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shoulder-length hair中文是什么意思

用"shoulder-length hair"造句"shoulder-length hair"怎么读"shoulder-length hair" in a sentence


  • 披肩发
  • "shoulder"中文翻译    n. 1.肩,肩膀;〔pl.〕双肩;肩背;〔比喻〕担当的 ...
  • "length"中文翻译    n. 1.长,长度,长短。 2.(时间的)长短,期间。 ...
  • "hair"中文翻译    n. 1.〔集合词〕毛发,头发,汗毛。 2.毛状物;毛状 ...
  • "straight , shoulder-length hair" 中文翻译 :    长长的披肩发
  • "shoulder length" 中文翻译 :    肩长
  • "shoulder length,small shoulder" 中文翻译 :    肩长
  • "shoulder length curl fall" 中文翻译 :    垂肩后假发圈
  • "shoulder umbilical length" 中文翻译 :    肩脐长度
  • "shoulder-elbow length" 中文翻译 :    肘长
  • "average root hair length" 中文翻译 :    根毛平均长
  • "medium-length hair" 中文翻译 :    中长发
  • "long sleeve length from shoulder seam" 中文翻译 :    袖长(从肩缝处)
  • "shoulder" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.肩,肩膀;〔pl.〕双肩;肩背;〔比喻〕担当的能力;【动物;动物学】(昆虫的)肩角,前角,中胸角,侧角。 2.肩胛关节;(牛等连前腿的)肩肉;(衣服、家具等的)肩部;【筑城】(棱堡面与侧面所成的)肩角;【印刷】(铅字的)字肩;【建筑】用来支持的凸出部;路肩〔路两侧不铺柏油的部分,用于紧急停车〕。 3.掮枪的姿势。 4.【地质学;地理学】山肩,谷肩;峁;【航海】吃水浅的凸出处[弯曲部]。 clap [tap] sb. upon the shoulder 拍人的肩膀;逮捕。 come to the shoulder 掮枪。 dislocate [put out] one's shoulder 肩胛关节脱臼。 give [show, turn] the cold shoulder to 冷落某人,对某人表示冷淡;躲避某人,对某人表示讨厌,同某人断绝往来。 have a head upon one's shoulders 〔口语〕懂事,懂道理。 have broad shoulders 肩膀阔而强壮;能掮重物;能担负重任。 lay the blame on the right shoulders 指责应负责任的人。 over the shoulder讥讽,挖苦。 overleap one's shoulders 〔美国〕大显身手;超越自己的成绩或正常状态。 put on sb.'s shoulders [put on the shoulders of sb., shift on to other shoulders] 叫人家负责任,把责任推给别人。 put an old head on young shoulders 叫年轻人懂事,使年轻人认真负责。 put [set] one's shoulder to the wheel 积极工作,勤奋工作;帮助人。 rub shoulders with 和…接触;并肩,协力,团结一致。 shoulder to shoulder 密集;并肩;协力,互相帮助。 straight from the shoulder 直截了当地,不留情地,开诚布公地。 with one's shoulder to collar 紧张地(工作),拼命地(干)。 vt. 把…掮在肩上,掮,担;掮起。 vi. 用肩膀推,使劲推。 adj. 峰肩的(指航空客运量开始由高峰回落时期等)。
  • "shoulder-in" 中文翻译 :    肩内转
  • "by a hair" 中文翻译 :    差一点儿
  • "hair" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.〔集合词〕毛发,头发,汗毛。 2.毛状物;毛状金属丝;毛发织物;【植物;植物学】茸毛。 3.一丝丝,些微。 grey hairs 白发;老年。 A fine coat of hair (马等)一身好毛。 Against the hair 〔古语〕违背本意,不合本性。 A hair in one's neck 麻烦事。 A hair to make a tether of 〔苏格兰语〕 小题大做。 Be not worth a hair 一钱不值。 Both of a hair 同类,一丘之貉。 Bring sb.'s grey hairs (in sorrow) to the grave 使老人忧心至死。 Bush [head, shock] of hair 浓浓的头发。 By (the turn of) a hair 差一点儿,险些儿,几乎。 Comb [stroke] sb.'s hair for him 严责某人。 Do up one's hair 梳头。 Fell of hair 耷拉下来的头发,发绺。 Get [have, take] sb. By the short hairs 〔俚语〕任意摆布某人,完全操纵某人;抓住某人辫子。 Get in sb.'s hair 〔美俚〕触怒,使烦恼。 Hang by a (single) hair 千钧一发,岌岌可危。 Have grey hair 满头白发。 Have grey hairs 有些白头发。 Have one's hair cut 剪发,理发。 In one's hair 光着头。 In the hair 1. 毛向外的。 2. 兽皮有毛的。 Judas hair 红头发。 Keep your hair on 〔俚语〕保持镇静! 别发火! Let one's (back) hair down 1. 将头发散开。 2. 〔口语〕举止随便,不拘礼节。 3. 直言不讳。 Let your hair dry. 〔俚语〕别那么神气,别那么拿架子。 Lose one's hair 1. 头变秃。 2. 发怒。 Make sb.'s hair curl = make sb's hair stand on end 使人毛骨悚然。 Not touch a hair of sb.'s head 不动某人一根汗毛。 Not turn a hair = without turning a hair 不动声色,镇定自若。 Put [turn] up one's hair (少女成年后)梳拢头发。 Smooth [stroke] sb.'s hair the wrong way = stroke sb. Against the hair 使某人恼怒。 Split hairs (over sth.) 作无益的细微分析,无故挑剔。 Stroke sb. With the hair 〔苏格兰语〕 安抚。 Take a hair of the dog that bit you. 〔谚语〕以毒攻毒;用酒解酒。 Tear one's [the] hair 扯头发〔表示悲伤、焦急、忿怒〕。 To (the turn of) a hair 完全一样,丝毫不差。 Wear one's (own) hair 不戴假发。 adj. -ed 具有(某种)头发的 (fair-haired 金发的。 Short-haired 短发的)。 adj. -less 无毛的,无发的,秃顶的。 adj. -like 毛发似的,极细的。
  • "to a hair" 中文翻译 :    丝毫不差地
  • "shoulder to shoulder" 中文翻译 :    肩并肩地, 齐心协力地; 肩并肩地,齐心协力地; 肩对肩; 齐头并进; 齐心合力地; 齐心协力地
  • "shoulder-shoulder" 中文翻译 :    肩到肩/肩宽
  • "a length of" 中文翻译 :    有一段引起反感的文字必须删掉
  • "at length" 中文翻译 :    长久地,详尽地; 冗长的,很长(时间);详细地,周密地;最后; 详细地;最终; 终于,最后,详细地; 终于,详细的; 终于,最后;详细的; 终于,最终,详细地; 最后, 详细地; 最后终于; 最后,终于,详细地; 最终,详细地; 最终,终于
  • "by length" 中文翻译 :    曲线延伸至特定长度
  • "in length" 中文翻译 :    长度
  • "length" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.长,长度,长短。 2.(时间的)长短,期间。 3.(赛艇的)一艇的长度;一马的长度。 4.程度,范围。 5.【板球】球程;投至适当距离的球。 6.【语言学】音长。 7.一段,一节。 a dress length, a length of cloth 一段料。 a length of pipe [tubing] 一节管子。 The boat won by three lengths. 这只艇以三艇长之差得胜。 a (good) length ball 球程准确的球。 at arm's length 在手臂伸得到的地方,疏远 (keep sb. at arm's length 不与接近,敬而远之)。 at full length 1. 冗长地;充分地,详细地 (give all the facts at full length 提供详细的材料)。 2. 全身平伸地 (lie at full length 挺直身体躺着)。 at great length 冗长地,??唆唆地。 at length 1. 最后,终于,好容易才。 2. 充分地,详细地 (speak at great length 详细讲了好久)。 at some length 相当详尽地。 cannot see beyond the length of one's nose 鼠目寸光。 draw out to a great length 拖得很久,占去很长时间。 fall [measure] all one's length 直挺挺地倒下。 find [get, have, know] the length of sb.'s foot 了解某人的弱点。 go (to) all lengths [any length] = go to great lengths 什么事都做得出;不遗余力。 go (to) the length of (doing) 甚至于,不惜。 go the whole length of it. 彻底干;干到底。 length of (sb.'s) days [life] 某人的寿命。 measure one's (own) length 跌倒在地。 of some length 相当长。 over [through] the length and breadth of 到处,四面八方。 work at arm's length 在不利的条件下工作。
  • "shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm" 中文翻译 :    挨肩搭背


  • She has straight , shoulder - length hair
  • Check yourself for shoulder - length hairs in hard - to - justify locations
  • Because hair grows slowly , shoulder - length hair reveals several years of a woman ' s health status
  • The man , aged about 30 , may be named " lucky " . he is about 1 . 76 metre tall and of strong build with shoulder - length hair
    该名男子年约三十岁,可能名为" lucky " ,他身高约一点七六米,身材健硕,蓄长头发至肩膊。
  • Standing about 1 . 6 metres and weighing about 54 kilograms , she has black curly shoulder - length hair , a round face and is of fat build
  • Standing at about 1 . 6 metres , she weights about 45 . 36 kilograms , has black shoulder - length hair , yellow complexion , a sharp face and of thin build
  • Sure , madam . we ' ve various models : hair bobbed , hair sweptback , chaplet hair style , shoulder - length hair style , and hair done in a bun . please have a look at them , madam
  • H : sure , madam . we ' ve various models : hair bobbed , hair sweptback , chaplet hair style , shoulder - length hair style , and hair done in a bun . please have a look at them , madam
  • Standing about 1 . 58 metres tall and weighing about 45 kilograms , she has black shoulder - length hair , a round face , white complexion , is of thin build and wears a pair of glasses
  • Hairdre er : sure . we have various models : hair bo ed , hair sweptback , chaplet hair style , shoulder - length hair style , hair done in a bun . please have a look at them , madam
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"shoulder-length hair"造句  


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